About Open Studios

Open Studios is a space for yoga, pilates, dance, sound & wellbeing in Berlin Kreuzberg and Friedrichshain. We embrace diversity in its fullest expression. We celebrate individuals of all genders, sexual orientations, and skin tones, fostering an environment where everyone feels valued, respected, and empowered.

Step into our sanctuary’s of diversity and experience the transformative power of yoga, pilates, dance & sound in a warm and accepting community.



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Upcoming Special Event


PSYCHEDELIC BREATH® combines ancient breathing techniques backed up with the knowledge of contemporary science and the art of electronic music. Both, deep breathing as well as electronic music have the power to let you access higher realms of consciousness.

you want free classes? start as karma yogi.
you want free classes? start as karma yogi.
you want free classes? start as karma yogi.
you want free classes? start as karma yogi.
you want free classes? start as karma yogi.