About Open Studios

Open Studios is a space for yoga, pilates, dance, sound & wellbeing in Berlin Kreuzberg and Friedrichshain. We embrace diversity in its fullest expression. We celebrate individuals of all genders, sexual orientations, and skin tones, fostering an environment where everyone feels valued, respected, and empowered.

Step into our sanctuary’s of diversity and experience the transformative power of yoga, pilates, dance & sound in a warm and accepting community.



Upcoming Special


Celebrate with us the opening of the new studio in Friedrichshain. Ariel will guide you through an awakening Pilates session. Detoxifying & renew Pilates: A full body Pilates workout centered in renewing energy through twisting, detoxifying movements, sweating and balancing, in order to release the old and make space for new energy. Afterwards you’ll experience the magic of the new moon with our yin & sound ceremony with Sara.

you want free classes? start as karma yogi!
you want free classes? start as karma yogi!
you want free classes? start as karma yogi!
you want free classes? start as karma yogi!
you want free classes? start as karma yogi!