The Retreat

As the vibrant energy of summer gracefully fades away, there arises a gentle welcome for the soul to turn inward. In this season of transition, let us embrace the opportunity to delve deep within ourselves, shedding the layers of the past and embarking on a transformative exploration of our innermost essence. We invite you to join us on a collective journey where we will create sanctuaries for the nourishment of our souls.

Nestled amidst the untouched beauty of the autumnal river landscape, you can expect a diverse program featuring various yoga sessions, inspiring sound journeys, and transformative activations. These sessions will serve as catalysts for the renewal of body, mind, and spirit. Here, amidst the gentle rustle of leaves and the whispering of the wind, let us uncover the essence of our being and find solace in the collective wisdom that surrounds us.

As we journey onward together, may we be enveloped in the radiant energy of positivity and forge connections that transcend the boundaries of time and space. Let us delve deeper into our own strength and serenity on this inspiring journey together.

All Infos about the Retreat

The Location

Step into the embrace of tranquility at Seminarhaus Taubenblau, our sanctuary nestled just an hour away from Berlin. This cherished haven, exclusively reserved for our yoga retreat, welcomes you with
open arms to embark on a transformative journey.

Immerse yourself in our serene yoga space, where sunlight dances through expansive windows, casting a warm glow on the room’s inviting ambiance. With a crackling fireplace as our companion and verdant garden views as our backdrop, each yoga session becomes a soulful communion with nature.

As the weather permits, we’ll take our practice outdoors to the spacious covered wooden terrace, where the fresh breeze whispers secrets of the magical fall season. Here, under the vast expanse of the sky, we’ll flow through asanas and savor nourishing meals together, surrounded by the symphony of birdsong and rustling leaves.

Retreat to your sanctuary each night—modern, minimalist bedrooms designed for deep rest and rejuvenation. And in the heart of our retreat, the communal kitchen, Chef Freya gratis culinary delights using the finest local ingredients, infusing each dish with love and vitality. Our location invites you to unwind, reconnect, and rediscover the bliss of being.

The Programm

Thursday, 3 Oct
5.00pm Welcome Circle & New Moon Ceremony by Sarah & Fanny
6.00pm Soft Kundalini Practice to arrive by Sarah
7.00pm Dinner

Friday, 4 Oct
7.30am Meditation by Fanny
8.00am Morning Yin & Sound by Fanny
10.00am Breakfast
Nature Walk, Swimming in the River (optional)
2.00pm Lunch Snack
5.00pm Kundalini, Vinyasa & Breathwork by Sarah
7.00pm Dinner

Saturday, 5 Oct
7.30am Meditation by Sarah
8.00am Vinyasa & Sound by Sarah
10.00am Breakfast
Nature Walk, Swimming in the River (optional)
2.00pm Lunch Snack
5.00pm Yin, Sound & Yoga Nidra by Fanny
7.00pm Dinner
9.00pm Ecstatic Dance & Sound Journey by Sarah and Fanny

Sunday, 6 Oct
7.30am Meditation by Fanny
8.00am Vinyasa into Yin by Sarah and Fanny
10.00am Breakfast
11.00am Closing Circle, Kirtan & Reflections by Sarah & Fanny

The Pricing


(450€ – EARLY BIRD UNTIL JULY 2024) The ticket price includes 3 nights at the Seminarhaus Taubenblau in a dorm room with a shared bathroom. The dorm rooms each have 4 beds separated by room dividers with ample space for each individual. Additionally, it includes a vegetarian full board with breakfast, lunch snack, and dinner, the yoga
program as outlined in the description, as well as yoga mats and props. During the retreat, the entire space is exclusively available to us, so you can utilize all areas such as the living room, gallery, terrace, etc. When booking your ticket, the terms and conditions apply.


(550€ – EARLY BIRD UNTIL JULY 2024) The ticket price includes 3 nights at the Seminarhaus Taubenblau in a shared double or twin room with a shared bathroom. Additionally, it includes a vegetarian full board with breakfast, lunch snack, and dinner, the yoga program as outlined in the description, as well as yoga mats and props. During the retreat, the entire space is exclusively available to us, so you can utilize all areas such as the living room, gallery, terrace, etc. If you’re coming with a friend and want to share a room, book individual spots in a double or twin room and email us at with your names and the request to reserve a shared room for you. When booking your ticket, the terms and conditions apply.


(600€ – EARLY BIRD UNTIL JULY 2024) The ticket price includes 3 nights at the Seminarhaus Taubenblau in a shared double or twin room with an ensuite bathroom. Additionally, it includes a vegetarian full board with breakfast, lunch snack, and dinner, the yoga program as outlined in the description, as well as yoga mats and props. During the retreat, the entire space is exclusively available to us, so you can utilize all areas such as the living room, gallery, terrace, etc. If you’re coming with a friend and want to share a room, book individual spots in a double or twin room and email us at with your names and the request to reserve a shared room for you. When booking your ticket, the terms and conditions apply.


(700€ – EARLY BIRD UNTIL JULY 2024) The ticket price includes 3 nights at the Seminarhaus Taubenblau in a single room with a shared bathroom. Additionally, it includes a vegetarian full board with breakfast, lunch snack, and dinner, the yoga program as outlined in the description, as well as yoga mats and props. During the retreat, the entire space is exclusively available to us, so you can utilize all areas such as the living room, gallery, terrace, etc. When booking your ticket, the terms and conditions apply.


Terms & Conditions


1 Scope

1.1 The following terms and conditions apply to the booking and implementation of Yoga Retreats organized by Julia Bach, Open Studio, Reichenberger Straße 125 in 10999 Berlin (hereinafter referred to as the Organizer), regardless of the venue.

1.2 Accommodation booking follows the description. If accommodation is not included in the booking price, the participant is responsible for separately booking the seminar hotel. Accommodation booking is done directly with the seminar hotel, which is responsible for providing all accommodation-related services.

1.3 The Organizer is solely responsible for the organization and implementation of the retreats and does not act as a travel agent or intermediary.

2 Contractual Partner

Julia Bach

Open Studio

Reichenberger Straße 125

10999 Berlin

3 Offer, Conclusion of Contract, and Payment

3.1 The description of the retreat on the website constitutes a legally binding offer.

3.2 The registration via the website form constitutes a binding booking. The confirmation and invoice will be sent via email within 3 business days.

3.3 The full invoice amount is due upon receipt of the invoice. The spot is secured only after full payment has been received in the account specified in the invoice.

3.4 Installment payments can be arranged in exceptional cases. Please send your request along with a brief explanation to

4 Rights and Obligations of the Participant

4.1 The participant agrees to provide their personal data completely and truthfully. Any changes to this data will be promptly communicated to the organizers.

4.2 The participant is responsible for meeting the necessary requirements for participating in the retreat at their own expense and responsibility. This includes, in particular, travel to and from the venue, as well as accommodation and meals if not included in the course fee as per the service description.

4.3 Participation in the retreat requires normal physical and mental resilience. If the participant is under medical or therapeutic treatment, they are advised to discuss their participation in the retreat with their treating physician or therapist.

4.4 The participant is required to inform the Organizer before the start of the retreat about any physical or mental complaints and restrictions.

4.5 The participant has no right to demand the conduct of the retreat by specific instructors. In the event of short-term absence of the announced instructors due to illness or prevention, the Organizer may appoint a substitute. The replacement of instructors does not entitle the participant to withdraw or terminate the contract.

5 Rights and Obligations of the Organizer

5.1 The scope of the services to be provided by the Organizer extends exclusively to the implementation of the retreat. The Organizer does not provide or arrange any services for travel to and from the venue.

5.2 The Organizer is entitled to modify the content and schedule of the program or to omit individual components thereof as long as the overall character of the retreat remains unchanged. 5.3 The Organizer undertakes to inform the participants at least 8 weeks before the start of the retreat about the impossibility of conducting the retreat due to the nonachievement of the minimum number of participants. In this case, the course fee will be refunded immediately and without deduction. The minimum number of participants is 8 persons.

5.4 The Organizer reserves the right to postpone or cancel the retreat for reasons beyond its control. This is particularly the case if the instructors are prevented from attending due to illness and no replacement is found, or due to force majeure preventing or impairing the conduct of the retreat. In this case, the course fee will be refunded immediately and without deduction. No further claims exist.

6 Right of Withdrawal

6.1 There is no right of withdrawal for consumers, § 312g para. 2 sentence 1 no. 9 BGB when booking a retreat, it is a service related to leisure activities for which, according to the paragraph mentioned, there is no right of withdrawal according to the BGB.

7 Cancellations by the Participant

7.1 The participant may cancel their participation in the retreat in writing to before the start of the retreat. In the event of cancellation by the participant, the organizers have the right to demand a lump-sum compensation. The compensation is as follows depending on the time of receipt of the written cancellation:

up to 8 weeks before the start of the course – no fee
up to 6 weeks before the start of the course – 25 percent
up to 4 weeks before the start of the course – 50 percent
up to 2 weeks before the start of the course – 100 percent

7.2 The participant may nominate a replacement participant until the start of the retreat, who will assume the rights and obligations of the purchase contract. In this case, the right to compensation from the organizer is waived.

8 Liability

8.1 The organizers accept no liability for third-party services. This applies in particular to claims for hotel bookings as well as services for travel to and from the venue after the cancellation of the retreat by the organizer.

9 Consent to Image and Sound Recordings

9.1 The Organizer reserves the right to create image and video recordings for advertising and informational purposes, which will be used and published on its website and social media.

9.2 By concluding the purchase contract, the participant agrees to the use of image and video recordings of their person according to paragraph 9.1 of the terms and conditions.

9.3 The participant has the right to revoke their consent before the creation of image and video recordings.

10 Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

German law applies exclusively, excluding the UN Sales Convention on the Sale of Goods (CISG).

With Sarah

Sarah is an experienced professional dancer and a 600-hour-certified yoga teacher, renowned for her expertise in guiding individuals towards self-discovery and expanded consciousness. As host of our Open To Bliss retreat, she curates immersive experiences that blend movement, mindfulness, and creative expression. With a deep commitment to nurturing the body, heart, and mind, Sarah creates a sanctuary where guests can explore relaxation, awareness, and creativity in a supportive environment. Having traveled extensively and immersed herself in various cultures and countries, Sarah brings a wealth of experience and insights to her teachings. Her classes are thoughtfully designed to honor the unique journey and energetic level of every participant, offering a diverse range of practices such as somatic movement, breathwork, and meditation. Sarah’s compassionate leadership fosters a sense of connection and empowerment, inviting guests to fully embrace the present moment and connect with their true essence in a loving and respectful space.

And with Fanny

Fanny is a yoga teacher and passionate advocate for inner peace and self-discovery. Embarking on her yoga journey with a deep longing to create a sanctuary of tranquility within herself, she recognizes yoga as a potent catalyst for surrender and personal transformation. Bringing a deeply profound and sensitive approach to her teachings, Fanny embodies a compassionate presence that invites authenticity and connection. With a listening ear and a nurturing spirit, she ensures that every participant feels heard, supported, and truly seen. Fanny’s warm laughter and open heart create a welcoming space where individuals can explore and unfold. In her commitment to holistic healing, Fanny delves into the transformative power of sound healing, leveraging its ability to facilitate profound relaxation and embodiment. Through her teachings, she integrates movement, stillness, and the therapeutic resonance of sound, providing participants with a rich and immersive experience designed to foster healing, self-discovery, and spiritual growth.


Shared Bathroom


Early Bird


Shared Bathroom


Early Bird


Ensiute Bathroom


Early Bird

Single Room

Shared Bathroom


Early Bird