• 13.07.24
  • 7PM–8.30PM
  • USC Check-in or 20€
  • 13.07.24
  • 7PM–8.30PM
  • USC Check-in or 20€


Embodied Alchemy is a unique monthly movement session facilitated by Storm. With a focus on embodied reconnection, somatic and sensual exploration, and the transformative potential of sound and dance – this class embraces natural and authentic expression as a movement cultivation practice through merging innate and intuitive wisdom with the artistic components of improvisation and poetics.

Each class has a unique soundscape to move to and explore, recorded by Storm and other artists they might invite to contribute sonically. The idea is to create an embodied movement journey that draws wisdom from traditional yoga and tantra, somatic listening & moving with Chi (Vital energy).

The intention is to create a free and sacred space to tap into the transformative qualities of movement alchemy, to create dialogue on self-inquiry, attuning to the sensual energy body, and ultimately moving to recreate and release to fall into love and playfulness.

More about Storm Hartley

I am a dance artist and have chosen the body as the predominant language to express myself in this world. I am a yoga and pilates teacher. I learned those practices at a young age, through my mum. Now I have been practising for more than twelve years, I’m a yoga teacher (300RYS) and a certified Pilates instructor, teaching ashtanga, vinyasa and pilates since 2015.

With a background in ballet and contemporary dance, I have explored the body through different practices: from yoga styles, oriental practices, Chinese medicine, to more focused workouts, seeing my body as an instrument instead of an ornament. My teaching is a journey into the inner body to discover the path to the real connection with yourself. The body embodies the meaning of transformation, explaining that life isn’t a linear process.