• 06.04.2024
  • 2,5H
  • 06.04.24
  • 3PM – 5.30PM
  • 55€
  • 06.04.2024
  • 2,5H
  • 06.04.24
  • 3PM – 5.30PM
  • 55€

KAP – Kundalini Activation Process

Kundalini Activation Process (KAP) is a profound, powerful and life-changing transmission of Kundalini energy and non-dual consciousness, allowing oneself to activate their own spirit force, unlocking the full potential, releasing emotional blockages and transcending limitations.

KAP goes beyond Kundalini Awakening, its about expanding consciousness, bringing life-changing shifts into your everyday life, rewriting the brain- and nervous system, supporting emotional healing & spiritual growth.

During the session, you lie down on the mat with closed eyes, listen to brain-wave shifting music, and experience energy activation from crown to root chakra, where its starts to flow both ways, guaranteeing a very natural but graduate awakening process. No prior knowledge is necessary—just openness and a capacity to surrender to the intelligent energy.

There’s no need to know anything about energy or to be „spiritual“. You just need to be open to the possibility that this energy is an intelligence that gives exactly what you need at the very moment.


+ Do not eat 2-3 hours before, to allow the energy to flow easily through your system

+ 24h before the session, abstain from alcohol, drugs, smoking or any medications, to allow a clear and free flow of energy

+ Do not drink coffee or other high energy drinks immediately before a KAP session

+  Please dress in comfortable clothes. You will spend 60 minutes lying on your mat, and this should feel comfortable and cozy for you

+ There will be yoga mats on site, but please feel free to bring your own, if thats more comfortable with you



+ Conscious landing and welcome

+ Introduction & demonstration – time for questions and exchange

+ Dive-in meditation and KAP transmission

+ Landing, Sharing-Circle


Payment is only refunded if you cancel your booking in fitogram 24h before the event starts 

About Mila:

Mila (German & English) – is a certified KAP Facilitator, trained by Master Venant Wong. With profound energy and loving guidance, it’s her calling to inspire and empower others to explore their true selves, connecting with their spirit force, to step into their full potential and meeting themselves with authenticity and infinite love.

„Working with the KAP energy transformed my life, filling me with unconditional love. Guiding others and holding space is an exciting blessing I honor with all of my heart. My very ownKAP journey changed my habits, strengthened my intuition, and brought trust and peace, guiding me towards a more fulfilled and aligned life.“