  • 06.07.2024
  • 2H
  • 06.07.24
  • 4.30PM–6.30PM
  • 25€ / USC Check-in + 20€
  • 06.07.2024
  • 2H
  • 06.07.24
  • 4.30PM–6.30PM
  • 25€ / USC Check-in + 20€


SOULBODY BREATH® is an immersive experience that activates self-awareness, releases stagnant energy and illuminates possibility. It transforms the way we heal, grow and live, through remembering the body’s intelligence and the soul’s wisdom.  It holds the body as the gatekeeper for your healing and expansion.  Because life isn’t lived only through the mind; it’s a body-based experience. This 2 hour journey will guide you into your body and personal Truth through somatic practices, breathwork and quantum meditation.

Contraindications for this practice are pregnancy, epilepsy or seizures, cardiovascular disease, severe asthma, kidney disease, glaucoma, detached retina, high or low blood pressure (with a history of fainting), recent surgery or broken bones that still healing, pre-existing lung diseases, untreated/severe PTSD, clinical anxiety or psychosis. If any of these apply to you, you are more than welcome to join and will be offered a different way to breathe.


Payment is only refunded if you cancel 24h before the event starts

If you book this special event via Urban Sports Club, you still need to pay 20€ via our website or at the studio (card/paypal) to attend the special event. With your USC Check-in at the studio you get a discount of 5€. Regular Price is 25€.