Pauline Börschel

»Yoga is the state where you are missing nothing.« – Shri Brahmananda Saraswati

After practicing yoga for many years in various places around the world, Pauline found Jivamukti Yoga and her yoga home in Berlin. In addition to the demanding physical asana practice, she loves Jivamukti Yoga’s holistic understanding of yoga on and off the mat. The different elements of the method, such as yoga philosophy, meditation, spiritual activism, chanting and asana practice enable new ways of learning, experiencing and teaching the practice every day. Pauline completed the 75h and 300h Jivamukti teacher training and is currently in her 500h apprenticeship with Moritz. She is grateful to be able to pass on her experiences and thanks all her teachers who are accompanying her on her way.

Their Classes

Jivamukti Open

In this class, physical exercises come together with music, guided breathing, spiritual themes and meditation. Jivamukti Yoga combines ethical and spiritual ideas with a powerful practice that allows practitioners to connect the teachings in class to their everyday lives. You practice within your own means, supported by the guidance of the teacher, who always offers different variations and hands-on-assists. In each class you will chant, get philosophical input from the ancient yogic scriptures, meditate and relax in shavasana after practice.

Sunday’s 10.45AM